I got a New piercing in!


Post-Pierce Selfie 
After getting really sad after find out that my Facial Feminization Surgery consult wouldn't be until January 20th 2025, instead of Augest 29th 2024, 

I went into a psychosis of sort and began pulling out my hair by brushing my hair very hard. And then I decided to removed my genitalia piercing and introduce a new one.

There wasn't as much blood as I expected, but I'm satisfied with the amount of blood I saw, and my new piercing. All in all, I'm happy with the result.

A bit of what I wrote to a pyschiatrist earlier: 

"I just got new news some moments ago, 

I thought that the surgeon can meet me in 2 days,

but there was a mistake over at the hospital, and the wrong surgeon was selected. 

My correct FFS surgeon could in reality can meet me in the 20th of January 2025.
So, that kind of got me sad, because I really wanted to get this done this year. 13 years is long enough.

But, it does give me more time to keep exploring plastic surgeon options, and generate more income in the meantime, so it could actually be a blessing in disguise.

But, I still need a surgical letter from a psychologist soon, because it'll help me with other procedures.

Thanks so much for all your help and understanding.".

As you can see, I'm depressed.

Thanks for reading. If you are affected by this article, please seek help at 988.

Thank you. Please stay safe.


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