Discharged Last Night from Ribs & Spine Surgery Eyelid scars & trans femme stuff

Heya, Alan here. I was discharged from surgery on the night of November 30th, it was great but scary, because I was still in a world of pain.

But, luckily the nurse gave some Oxy before I left as per request. I also opted to get a Flu shot.

The nurse asked me if there was anything else that she could get for me. I was feeling tired and had a craving for a vending machine Starbucks mocha, so I replied with a polite request for a Starbucks Coffee.

The nurse informed me that the hospital Starbucks was closed, unfortunately, but there was an alternative coffee store.

My dad mentioned that he'll take me to Starbucks.

I get discharged, my dad has my Prescriptions. I get wheeled out via wheelchair to the waiting room.

After some time of waiting, I noticed someone was upset, so I got up from my chair and walked towards the two nurses who pushed into the waiting room. I notified then of the upset individual and I think they got someone to consoul them.

I thought I may ruin things if I personally tried to help, so that's why I asked a professional to help the person.

My dad eventually arrives and I follow him into the car.

My dad drove me back and we got Starbucks. I got a Moca Frappuccino with whipped cream.

Then we picked up our brother from school.

The drive from Gainsville to Orlando wasn't too bad, mainly because I kept falling asleep.

My dad ran to Publix to get dinner stuff.

When I got back home the rest of my family were very happy to see me.

I climbed the top floor to my room and attempted to sleep in my bed. My mom orged me to sleep downstairs where it was more organized, so I agreed, and my older sister gave me an Oxy because I was in a world of pain.

I slept the night barely, I didn't even anymore food because of my nausea.

I picked away at my Eyelid Scar during trying to sleep, I barely felt anything because of my overall pain. Plus, I got about 10 points for doing that in my dream game show, I could have won a prize if I reached a higher number of points.

The Eyelid scars have healed nicely even after picking at one of them. 

Before discharge I asked the Doctor about my Eyelid scars, like did I pick at my eyes during sleep or did they break when my face swelled, She explained that my eyes were tapped down during surgery because it's a bit creepy having open eyes during surgery. She explained that some of my skin peeled away on my belly, so she told the team to becareful about removing the tape from my eyes.

She told me that I have sensitive skin, so other on my belly / chest were actually from the bed wires. I asked about the red rings because I thought they were incision scars.

The little bumps on my chest were also from the tape as well.

I thanked her for clarifying, it seemed she felt guilty about my Eyelid scars. I reassured her that they look cool, like decorations. She said, like Scar Face? I was like, yeah. We both laughed.

The Eyelid scars give me an opportunity to wear eyeshadow more often now, which I'll probably be doing, I knew the scars would definitely give me a more Gothic look, which I'm looking for.

Also, my mom wanted me to change my hospital shirt, the thought of changing my shirt alone agonized me.

But my little sister came to the rescue and gave me a grey demon slayer shirt from my older sister. I thanked her ♡

My brother, sisters, and parents have been so, so awesome to me! Thank you all truly!

P.s. it's kinda ironic that my dad told me while he was driving me to surgery not to mention any conspiracies or personal feelings. "This is Florida" he said. He wanted me to just get the surgery and recover. He also asked if I changed anything, I was like, noooo. "In my mind I was thinking that a little while ago prior I actually changed my charts online to identify as female."
So after my surgery a lot of the staff referred to me with female pronouns and respect. I felt like a little princess. And I even got like some fun arts and crafts to play with, and we talked about a lot of trans and feminine things. It was so cool. When my dad called me "her" in the hospital after a while, that felt so electrical ♡♡♡♡♡

Also, the day before discharge the nurse asked if I could ask my dad to bring me back the clothes i packed, so i texted my dad about it. my dad brought my clothes I packed, and the nurses helped me dress. I put on this cute black dress and leggings. My dad helped me put my socks back on. 

Also, my nurse and pt gave me a hairbrush and de dangler, that was so awesome of them! ♡

The dress eventually got covered in blood after my drains were removed, so I opted for my red shirt sweater.
Red instead of blue because red is the same color as blood. 

Also, my brother gave me my birdhouse I painted in the hospital by my bedside when I got back home ♡ Thanks, bro ☆

The first thing I had in the morning was water, mint black tea, a frozen oreo, Häagen-Dazs dark chocolate ice cream bar, multigrain Crackers, then my dad's chicken legs brown rice and peas, with some added green beans.

The frozen oreo made me sick, but the rest was good. My youngest sister and my parents were right, I feel full and nauseous at first, but that's because you don't have enough food in your stomach.

So, yeah that food went pretty well.

Anyway, thank you all for all your love and support! And to my family, surgeons, nurses, doctors, thank you so super much for being so supportive and awesome! I love you all! You saved my back, and ribs!


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