Ribs Removed Spine Straightened Trans Scoliosis Surgery

Hi everyone! Alan, here! I had some ribs removed, and my spine straightened. I'm still in the hospital right now. I've been in the hospital since November 27th, actually. It was a 9 hour surgery. I was admitted to the Children's hospital ICU, they were out of beds in the adult unit, but I'm glad I've gotten more found of this hospital because it has caused me PTSD in 2017 when I stayed there for about month because of Anorexia _ Malnutrition.

The nurses and staff here are truly wonderful and understanding. They have also respected my Female identity and dignity. ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡ They also gave me trans resources and stuff and have made me more confident in owning my name, Alan.

The recovery has been challenging, but I want to thank you all for your amazing kindness and understanding! ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

Y'all are so amazing!

So my Scoliosis spine was realigned and straightened with metal screws and plates.

And I opted to have my Deformed Ribs cut out as well, because I hate having such a big hump on my back.

I've been called a hunch back by my older sister in childhood, and I've been called a hunch back by someone who commented on my Bigo live stream in adulthood not too long ago.

I was so tired dealing and managing and exploring my Deformities, so I just really needed to get these surgeries done for my own sanity. Depression and body discomfort get so hard sometimes, and I'm so happy to be given this opportunity to be a little more normal and live with less back pain.

I'm so happy that I can sit down flat without my back jetting out of my right side. It really gives me a sense of dignity. I'm like crying writing this.

My sister has had a back operation as well a few years ago at the same hospital, and another operation 9 days ago. She's making an amazing recovery from the most recent operation. Her back from a few years ago also healed amazingly.

My back currently is in pain even after the pain meds, but it is worth all the pain.

I vomited 4 times and almost fainted twice, but it's worth the challenge as well.

Thank you all for reading and understanding.

I wish you all the best! ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡

Pictures of Today November 29th.

pictures of Surgery day,  November 27th.

Early hours of November 28th, I thought it was like in the PM, but the nurse explained to me that it was the AM, lol.

My face was much more swollen then.
I loved it when I asked the nurses if my lips wer3 swollen, She said it's the look that's in (:

My eyes are lips were bigger than in the pictures. They explained I slept on them.

So right now, the 29th, Hospital Day 2: Vomit x4, Near Fainting: X2. I kinda miss when my face was swollen a couple of days ago. The roundness and puffy eyes were so cute ♡ 

Unfortunately, and fortunately, the swelling has gone down.

The swelling started from being on my face for so long, so I woke up with larger lips and cute puffy eyes.

I don't think I saw much of the lips, though, but I did feel them. They felt so huge, and beautiful. Although, it was only the side of the lips that were affected.

The picture below illustrates how looked I looked before surgery. Gosh I miss my puffy face.

An hour or two before surgery at around 6am. I brought a hand bag for the occasion. I also painted my nails with marker to witch was later washed off because my mom had a point that the doctors won't be able to see the circulation in my nails. I'm glad some of the nail art stayed though, enough for one of the nurses to notice and say:

"Did you do your nails with a pen? 
[Alan] Uh, it was with a marker. 
Dad get this boy some nail polish."

Dad and I Luaghed, i think i silently laughed.

This is the 3D printed gift I created for me and my sister's beautiful and incredible orthopedic surgeon. I was so happy she liked it when I gave it to her before surgery. ♡ 

My 3D printer was broken but I'm so glad that I was able to have it repaired in time to print the Dr's gift. I love her so much! She's changed the life of my sister and I so super much! Thank you so much Doctor! ♡☆♡☆♡


Anyway, thank you all for reading.
May you all have a phenomenal day!



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