
Showing posts from January, 2024

Florida Virtual Facial Feminization Consultation

I had the virtual consult with the facial doctor today at The Mearcks Institute. (: I thought that the reduction of my brow bone and jaw would be most effective. However, it turned out fillers on the sides of my upper face, nose reduction, and hairline & eyebrow adjustment were most effective for feminine features; the doctor mentioned. I was kind of surprised, but kind of what I predicted. I'm glad the doctor did not consider as much surgical work on my face as I considered. It is funny that I thought almost my entire face needed reworking. Even after showing many different angles of my face, Major facial surgery wasn't necessary, so it is good to hear some positive feedback from a facial surgeon in the field. My questions were answered swiftly & professionally. And I even got more information on the vaginoplasty surgery, which was very helpful for me. The interview went well, and the staff were absolutely amazing!  Thank you so much team Mearcks Institute ...